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    St Moritz, Augsburg

    St Moritz Church

    In 2009 John Pawson Architects were awarded the contract to undertake a vast refurbishment project of the Church of St Moritz and their main aim was to bring clarity and light to the church, whilst respecting the work of previous architects and their vision.
    Mindseye were appointed as the lighting design team and Mindseye Associate; Admir Jukanovic, led the team on a five year journey which involved the huge task of designing a scheme that produced light for the numerous areas of the church, but ensuring to keep the products minimal and non-visible in most places.
    This magnificent ecclesiastical building is at the heart of city life and the Church of St Moritz is the oldest church in Augsburg. Founded in 1019 the church has undergone many diverse transformations over the years.
    The current result within this imposing structure demonstrates the rhythm of the space by accentuating the various architectural elements.

    more info on our mindseye webpage:


