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    Visiting Lecturer at German University Cairo

    Admir started this year as visiting lecturer at the GUC German University of Cairo, Egypt. Tutoring Product Design Students on their 8th semester Batchelor project.

    My book on Architectural Lighting Design – Published 2018!

    Where do you start if you want to light an interior space? What is the best color temperature for your design scheme? What do you need to consider when choosing LED lamps and luminaires or fixtures? Architectural Lighting Design answers these questions and more in […]

    BingoIngo is available as 3d file now!

    BingoIngo is available as 3d file now….

    Admir Jukanovic judge at the IES illumination awards 2017!

    Admir Jukanovic has been asked to judge at this year Illumination Awards in Philadelphia. It was a great group and we all had a lot of fun judging the entry from all over the world.

    Mina – Best Spanish Luminaire

    Mina has been voted the best spanish luminaire by the readers of the design magazine Elle Decor.

    Influences in Lighting Design – Lighting Magazine 2011

    After many requests where to find the original PDF’s of my series on Influences in lighting design, here the link… A series of 9 articles in the Lighting Design Magazine contained each month a lighting talk to Admir Jukanovic of specialist practice Mindseye about […]

    Forum Australia

      An article on upcoming Designers from the Australian Design Magazine Forum. Picture taken at the Valencia furniture exhibition NUDE.


    An article on exiting exhibition space from the UK Design magazine Frame. 

    My Precious – Lighting Design Awards 2013 !!!

    Mindseye wins the prestigious Lighting Design Awards for the best international interior lighting design. Having worked with many of the established lighting design community Eric Carlson of Carbondale (Luxury Retail Design Specialists) decided this project needed a fresh integrated and highly creative approach. Above all […]

    ILP Presentation – Collaboration in Lighting Design

    Invited by the Institution of Lighting Professionals, Admir talk tries to unwind the intricacies of collaboration in building projects and the role lighting design plays.

    Admir Jukanovic judge at the Lighting Design Awards 2014!

    It was a lot of hard work but also a lot of  fun being judge at this years lighting design awards.

    Lux Live Talk

    Invited by the organisers of the Lux Live Exhibition Admir talks on “Lighting design in a public space, during a recession”. A case study is the Hackeny Marshes project designed by  Stanton Williams Architects commences 2008 and finished 2011. The project went on to win the […]