Between Art & Design, Korea
Max gets discovered in Japan by Korean publisher – we had a nice hat with the reporter.
Max gets discovered in Japan by Korean publisher – we had a nice hat with the reporter.
The Italian Design magazine Flare was interested in how we approach the design process. We showed our work on a concept for a Media Facade for the German Store Chain IDEE.
The concept is familiar to all of us. 20 slides - each 20 seconds to explain a project, thought, ideas or
Mina is selected to represent “The best of Spain” in a exhibition hosted by the Spanish design ….
IdFX is interested what the new LED technology is capable of doing.
The concept is familiar to all of us. 20 slides - each 20 seconds to explain a project, thought, ideas or
Diseno Interior discovers Admir on the Valencia furniture fair and invited to look at other products designed by him.
Honoured to see that the influential NEO2 Magazine shows Mina.
Mina is selected to present the best of upcoming Spanish design. It is exhibited in the Spanish Embasy. We are there
Max is itroduced to the japanese public. Admir Jukanović and Rainer Subić articipated in the desigboom mart tokyo 2006,exhibiting their ‘max’