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Invited by the organisers of the Lux Live Exhibition Admir talks on "Lighting design in a public space, during a recession".
A case study is the Hackeny Marshes project designed by Stanton Williams Architects commences 2008 and finished 2011.
The project went on to win the RIBA awards 2012.
The concept is familiar to all of us. 20 slides - each 20 seconds to explain a project, thought, ideas or one's work. So done by Admir on the Pecha Kucha Talk in Frankfurt during the International Lighting Fair. Image: Project, Fast Food taken down the slow path.
Max is itroduced to the japanese public. Admir Jukanović and Rainer Subić articipated in the desigboom mart tokyo 2006,exhibiting their ‘max’ rope coat hangers made from sailing rope.
A year later next participation on the Valencia Furniture Fair 0 Nude 2006. This time with BingoIngo, WouldYouVoodo and Max clothe hanger a join venture with Rainer Subić.
Sir Richard Conran selects for the Elle Decor magazine the best work from the final degree show of Royal College of Art, London. Mina was the lucky one