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EMDIGITIZER offers high-quality embroidery digitizing services online at an affordable price. With super-fast turnaround, and excellent customer service.

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    LoveLight 2009

    Lighting designers and architects came together at eht London’s Royal College of Physiscians to share their passion for illumination  at the LoveLight event. An evening drinks reception included a Japanese-style series of quick-fire presentations – or PechaKucha – from 15 speakers. Architects’ Journal editor Kieran Long, Kinetica Art museum director Dianne Harris, light artists Admir Jukanovic, Jason Bruges and Martin Richman and lighting designers Tim Downey, Janet Turner, Martin Lupton, Paul Traynor, Vasiliki Malakasi.  Maurice Brill, John Bullock, Sam Neuman, Colin Ball, Mary Rushton-Beales and Henrik Clausen all took part.



